More absent-mindedness... I totally forgot to eat my "double portion" of pasta last night, so tonight I had a "triple portion" and it felt like a very solid meal when coupled with the rice, beans and corn tortillas. I think I will actually do this the remainder of my time, as it will add variety, and will also extend the life of my tomato sauce. (I used only 2 teaspoons of sauce for 3 rations of pasta, instead of 1:1). Thought I would include a photo of tonight's meal:

Prayer focus: Pray for India's children. When it comes to children in crisis, no country can rival India's need in terms of sheer numbers. Of India's nearly 400 million under the age of 18, over 70 million are child labourers, 10 million are bonded laborers (a form of slavery to pay off family debts), 13 million are homeless, and 2 million are orphaned street children without any relatives they can turn to. There is widespread child abuse, and there is a deficit of 40 million girls because of female foeticide – over 20,000 ultrasound clinics thrive on this illegal practice. There are an estimated 575,000 child prostitutes and there is a massive trade in Bangladeshi and Nepali girls sold into prostitution. (Data source: Operation World)
Estimated Savings for Day 14: I would have spent at least $2.50 on a snack and a drink on the road trip. With the anniversary date at a nicer restaurant, I would have spent quite a bit on an appetizer, entree, dessert and coffee, probably to the tune of $30. Add that to my normal estimated daily grocery cost of $7, subtract $1 for today's actual cost, and I wind up with $38.50 saved for my donation to the orphanage today (well over one month's wages among the poor of South Asia). This puts my running total at $220.87.
Happy Easter and Happy Anniversary!