Today was somewhat uneventful on the food rearrangement front, however I did just enjoy a midnight snack of sorts! I skipped my
afternoon oatmeal snack and instead opted for having it just before writing this blog entry. It's gotten a bit cold all of the sudden, so it was kind of nice to have a bowl of something warm. It's really amazing to me what you come to appreciate when you have so little to work with. For those of you who've been following along, you know that I only have 24 oz. of raisins to work with over my 30 days. Did you know that there are 29 grams of sugar in just 1/4 cup of raisins? Man those suckers pack a sweet punch! Especially when that's the only sweet thing on your menu! So I've come to appreciate every little raisin in my oatmeal, and odd as it may sound to you who can't appreciate it, I've found myself developing a habit of trying to make sure each bite I take contains only one raisin, so as to not rob the other bites their due pleasure. I'm including a photo of my warm bowl of raisin and oatmeal bliss in the hopes that you might catch a shadowy glimpse of my new appreciation...

Prayer focus: Pray for Peace Gospel's fundraising efforts for our new project in Nepal. We recently partnerned with an indigenous Nepalese church to launch a new orphanage and its supporting goat farm. Phase One of the orphanage has already been completed and we've been able to take in a handful of orphans. However we still have a lot of work to do, and the funds for the goat farm have yet to be raised.
Estimated Savings for Day 7: Sundays are usually pretty low-key for us. Twice a month we might eat out, but today we went to my in-laws' and they usually treat us to a wonderful lunch. So, no cost savings from that. Can't really think of what other food or drinks I would have spent money on today, so I'm just going to leave it at my normal estimated daily grocery cost of $7. Subtract my actual cost of $1 today, and I've saved $6 for the orphanage today. My running total of money I've saved to give to our India orphanage is now at $96.23 in just 7 days.
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